The Hamer Family invited me to their home in Debenham near Ipswich, to photograph their lovely little 18 month old daughter Ruby. Wendy and Neil wanted a relaxed outdoor family photoshoot in Suffolk countryside, but as Ruby was feeling a little energetic, we popped to the park instead which was bloomin’ lovely and so much fun. There was a real heat wave that day, so it was nice to shoot in the harsh sunshine to mix it up a little!
I hope it’s not a weird thing to say (‘cos I’m gonna say it anyway!), but what a gorgeous family, hey? A super stylish mama, a dapper looking dad and a little girl with the cheekiest grin whose outfit I’d quite like to wear myself.. As soon as Astrid stops spewing on me and letting me sleep at night – family goals right there!
We took a wander from their home to an pretty shady lane with arches of trees and leaves above. Playing let’s swing Ruby was entertaining enough for a while, but seeing as she’s recently discovered she can run about, the little lady was understandably keen to get on the move and show off her new trick! Instead, we decided to wander to the park nearby as I was told how much she loved the slide there. Once we’d done a few rounds of sliding with mum and dad, we picked buttercups and daisies, chased up and down the hill, did lots of tickling, spotting of dogs and making shapes out of the clouds. I couldn’t have had a nicer Thursday afternoon if I’d tried! Here’s a handful of my favourite photographs I sent their way…x