A relaxed couples Suffolk engagement shoot in Ipswich – Hannah & Tom
It’s awesome for me as a wedding photographer to get the chance to hang out with my couples ahead of their wedding. It’s not always possible for those outside of Suffolk & Norfolk, but where they’re able to, I always encourage my clients to book themselves in for a couples shoot before the big day. I get to see how they interact, they see how I work and we get to spend an hour having a massive laugh and they’re even more loved up when I leave them than when I arrived. It’s pretty much a winner all round.
This time with Hannah & Tom we hung out in Toms parents garden (poor folks, they had literally walked in the door from a long holiday 10 minutes before I arrived) which was a beautiful sun trap considering it had been raining all day. I had a couple of furry assistants in the form of Toms parents’ dogs that were desperate to get their share of photos, so we played plenty of fetch to keep them happy and on occasion I multi-tasked and hugged a dog whilst taking the shot to stop them jumping all over Hannah. Aah so much fun.
Hannah & Tom get wed in September this year and I can’t wait. It’s going to be my last wedding until 2017 (though I’ll still be taking on family and couples shoots) as we have a few big changes ahead and you never know, I might meet Hannah again the month after in her day job as a midwife…wouldn’t that be an incredible coincidence? Watch this space I suppose! I’ll leave you with the rest of the images of these two cool kids who just FYI, have the best engagement story ever (even if they do both remember things slightly differently…) x